Specializing in the Assessment &

		Development of Executives


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The Edelstein Group




The Edelstein Group
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Welcome to The Edelstein Group

The Edelstein Group's mission is to improve the individual's and organization's ability to learn. Our consultants possess a unique blend of clinical and organizational skills, which enables us to provide services that go beyond the mere assessment of talent, and focus on improving our client's ability to grow and develop.

The Edelstein Group specializes in the selection and development of executives. To date, over 2,000 executives have completed our executive coaching program in over 50 companies around the world.

  • We are a pioneer in one-to-one executive coaching as described in "A Model for Executive Development" published in 1993 in Human Resource Planning (1993, Vol. 16, No. 4, 51-68).
  • Our coaching-based executive development program has been cited in several articles, most recently in the Winter 1999 issue of Organizational Dynamics.

Our capabilities range from helping a company assess or develop a single executive to developing an integrated executive assessment, selection and development system.

Please explore our site to learn about the programs we offer, and please contact us with any questions or comments you might have.

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