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Assessment Online

The Edelstein Group’s assessment process is designed to improve the quality of the company’s hiring decision by ensuring a good fit between candidate and position. The better the fit, the more likely it is you will be able to manifest your skills and abilities in the workplace and thrive. The instruments used in the assessment process are designed to discern degree of fit.

A portion of The Edelstein Group assessment entails completing two online instruments:

The 16PF Management Behavior Test, a widely used instrument in business & industry, has been normed on a management population. The instrument offers insights into your management behavior reflexes. The first part of the instrument asks you to make choices between things. For example, “Would you rather read a book or go to the movies?” You may like to do both, but select one that feels right for you. The last ten are objective questions for which you may wish to use scratch paper.

16PF Management Behavior Test

The Sentence Completion Blank is designed to elicit your thoughts about matters pertaining to you in the workplace. Please complete each sentence with the initial thoughts that come to mind.

Sentence Completion Blank

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